Does your monitor turn black (blank) and display no signal when Windows Vista (also Windows Server 2008) finishes the green progress bar in the boot process, right the second it turns the Num Lock on?
Was it okay until yesterday when you just installed Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008? Trying back Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 solves the problem?
Is your monitor listed as Generic Non-PnP Monitor
in Windows Device Manager in XP, Vista, 2003, and 2008? Will you be surprised if I tell you it means “dear user, it’s not detected at all!?”
Have you tried graphics card’s latest driver, but this time screen turns black (blank) getting no signal in Windows while updating driver?
Have you tried your graphics card’s other DVI port after screen turned blank, and you suddenly felt like you’ve succeeded for a while, but it was stuck at some 1024×768-or-so 4:3 low-resolution on a 16:10 / 16:9 widescreen, ended up in the 1990s?
Have you tried calling your monitor’s (and maybe your graphics card’s) vendor’s technical support and they just told you to unplug your monitor both from VGA and wall socket, take a breath for X seconds, and then reconnect them all, at their best, with no luck? Hey pizza-boy-turned-support-technician, don’t fool us. Have you ever asked yourselves what should happen during those X seconds? 5-or-so for Samsung and Sharp, 10 for Dell and Fujitsu, 30 for ViewSonic… Probably those numbers are vendor-specific Jesus’ response time to come along for help. Well, Jesus might’ve opened the eyes of a man born blind, but a sure bet he won’t cure a monitor turned blind, especially in the world where John Michael “Ozzy” Osbourne says “what’s a DVD?”
Don’t panic, your EDID’s gone.
– My what?
Your monitor’s extended display identification data.
– What the hell is that?
Extended display identification data (EDID) is a data structure provided by a computer display to describe its capabilities to a graphics card. It is what enables a modern personal computer to know what kind of monitor is connected. EDID is defined by a standard published by the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA). The EDID includes manufacturer name, product type, phosphor or filter type, timings supported by the display, display size, luminance data and (for digital displays only) pixel mapping data.
– But XP (also Server 2003) was OK.
No, it was not. You just didn’t see the problem. It was there all the time, calling a modern-day DVI digital Plug and Play (PnP) monitor a “Generic Non-PnP Monitor.”
– You mean my whole EDID is erased?
Not so sure, it might be partially erased, or it might be just a corrupt checksum. At least an invalid checksum is enough to cause this trouble. Some people reported both a corrupt resolution section and a corrupt checksum.
– Oh wait, here in this Nvidia forum it says a weak power supply was the cause of the trouble, some geeks say if you just replace your PSU with something big-watt it’ll fix at no effort.
No, it’s totally wrong. Mine broke down while I was on an expensive 700W RMS SLI-certified power supply.
– Goddamn it, I’m quite sure it has something to do with Microsoft, and Nvidia as an accessory. (Chris Malachowsky is huffily shouting “What if it’s an ATi, or maybe it has nothing to do with us GPU-ers, maybe it’s these overclockers’ fault, XFX, Club, Sparkle… Or maybe it has nothing to do with the overclockers, what about board assemblers like ourselves (!), Gigabyte, and Asus?”)
Don’t be so sure, and more importantly don’t blame Microsoft, and you Chris, enough maybes, maybe none of you are to blame, but those at VESA for this tricky invention called EDID, and of course those monitor manufacturers for making EDID EEPROM so naïve. Yes, naïve, lacking worldly wisdom, as if you could open the door to your car with the key to your apartment.
– Oh, there it is, ViewSonic EDID Editor, I’m gonna fix my EDID.
Don’t rush. The only thing ViewSonic EDID Editor is good at is to show you what portion of EDID means what!
ViewSonic EDID Editor DAT File
Sample of a ViewSonic VX2025wm DVI EDID DAT file for ViewSonic EDID Editor:
128 BYTES OF EDID CODE: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ________________________________________ 0 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 5A 63 10 | 1D E5 01 01 01 01 20 10 01 03 20 | 80 2B 1B 78 2E CF E5 A3 5A 49 30 | A0 24 13 50 54 BF EF 80 B3 0F 40 | 81 80 81 40 71 4F 31 0A 01 01 50 | 01 01 01 01 21 39 90 30 62 1A 60 | 27 40 68 B0 36 00 B1 0F 11 00 70 | 00 1C 00 00 00 FF 00 51 36 59 80 | 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A 90 | 00 00 00 FD 00 32 4B 1E 52 11 100 | 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 110 | 00 FC 00 56 58 32 30 32 35 77 120 | 6D 0A 20 20 20 20 00 FE
- Download in DAT file format
Monitor and HDTV EDID reprogramming, as how it’s done in repair shops, usually takes additional devices like what Gefen produces, gadgets like DVI Detective N (MSRP: $69) and DVI Detective Plus (MSRP: $129), but if you’re lucky, you should be able to restore your EDID needing nothing other than your computer, thanks to Sadjad for enlightening me about the solution to my ViewSonic’s problem.
A copy of your EDID is saved in the Windows Registry. Please note it’s not your live EDID, maybe it’s correct but your monitor’s is not. This is true especially when your monitor is out and your Windows Vista (or Windows Server 2008) was working fine until yesterday! Anyway, it’s located here:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\{VESA_Monitor_ID}\{PnP_ID}\Device Parameters\EDID
You have to fill in {VESA_Monitor_ID} and {PnP_ID} with your own. For example, EDID for a ViewSonic VX2025wm can be found here:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY\VSCE51D\5&3a6dfcff&3&UID272\Device Parameters\EDID
If you’ve ever wanted to see what your monitor’s EDID (saved in Windows Registry) looks like, ELDIM EDID Viewer is yours. Again, please note it’s not your monitor’s live EDID. ELDIM EDID Viewer is not able to connect to your monitor and fetch its EDID, it’s just good to look at what binary EDID you’ve got in the Registry, translating it to human-readable language, and if you wanted, exporting it to an RTF file.
To query the live EDID of your digital monitor as both raw data and readable format, use EnTech Monitor Asset Manager. Known as MonInfo to professionals, this multi-monitor-capable reporting utility queries the monitor directly rather than relying on potentially corrupt information stored in the registry. In addition to live EDID, MonInfo is also able to show EDID for monitors listed in the registry.
First, you’ll need another monitor, one just like yours, it doesn’t matter even if it’s of a friend of yours living in Ukraine, all you need is to ask them to run (as Administrator) Phoenix EDID Designer 1.3 on their computer (it’s really easy, no need to install, just run Phoenix.exe as Administrator), and provide you with a copy of their EDID, using Tools
► Extract Registry EDID
. But first make sure they’re sending you the right EDID (DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort data). That’s important because you don’t want an analog D-SUB EDID being replaced with your (even corrupted) digital DVI / HDMI / DP EDID! So as you might’ve noticed now, monitors with both DVI and D-SUB connectors have two EDIDs, one for DVI, and one for D-SUB, each one containing its own settings, only with the former being more at risk. This is also the case with the newer multiport models with DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, and D-Sub connectors. To make sure the correct EDID is selected from the Registry, check to see if the Digital
radio button is selected inside Video Input Definition
group box under Basic Display Parameters
tab, as shown below:
EnTech Monitor Asset Manager (MonInfo) could also be used to extract both live EDID and registry-stored EDID by users willing to install this tiny Windows application. Look for the Digital input signal type when selecting a display ID from the monitor list on top-left.
Phoenix EDID Designer DAT/RAW File
Phoenix EDID Designer is able to save the EDID as a DAT file, in its own format. Its structure is very simple and is transformable to other formats if simply edited in Notepad. It’s also able to export EDID as a binary RAW file, which is identical to what PowerStrip calls BIN.
This tool allows you to create and modify VESA EDID structures. It creates the 128-byte structure through an option-driven interface. It also parses and displays existing EDID structures. You can view the raw 128 bytes with real-time updates as EDID characteristics are changed in the interface. Phoenix can also import and display EDID entries from the Windows registry.
Sample of a ViewSonic VX2025wm DVI EDID DAT file for Phoenix EDID Designer:
EDID BYTES: 0x 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ------------------------------------------------ 00 | 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 5A 63 1D E5 01 01 01 01 10 | 20 10 01 03 80 2B 1B 78 2E CF E5 A3 5A 49 A0 24 20 | 13 50 54 BF EF 80 B3 0F 81 80 81 40 71 4F 31 0A 30 | 01 01 01 01 01 01 21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 40 | 36 00 B1 0F 11 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FF 00 51 36 59 50 | 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A 00 00 00 FD 00 32 60 | 4B 1E 52 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 70 | 00 56 58 32 30 32 35 77 6D 0A 20 20 20 20 00 FE
Now, if the panel you’ve been using as the source is identical to yours, you’ll only need to change the serial number, manufacturing week, manufacturing year, and the checksum section in the EDID file. Some would say “Man! Let’s overwrite this sh*t ASAP,” but I’m the kind of guy who prefers not to do, unless it’s going to be done perfectly. So don’t be lazy, change the serial number, manufacturing week/year, and the checksum accordingly. ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.5 (older ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.3 is also available) is useful to get a clue about the serial number, mfg week/year, and checksum sections placement, and to make a calculation of the new checksum. To force ViewSonic EDID Editor to recalculate the checksum of a recently opened DAT file, toggle Modify EDID
so it shows Modify EDID (ON)
in the toolbar. In this state, it automatically recalculates the checksum each time you edit a cell. One other thing about ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.3 is its exported binary file is useless.
Bear in mind the whole extended display identification data (EDID) is 128 bytes. Considering the first byte’s index zero, the offset to the aforementioned information are as stated below:
00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 5A 63 1D E5 01 01 01 01 20 10 01 03 80 2B 1B 78 2E CF E5 A3 5A 49 A0 24 13 50 54 BF EF 80 B3 0F 81 80 81 40 71 4F 31 0A 01 01 01 01 01 01 21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 36 00 B1 0F 11 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FF 00 51 36 59 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A 00 00 00 FD 00 32 4B 1E 52 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 00 56 58 32 30 32 35 77 6D 0A 20 20 20 20 00 FE |
█ Offset 16: Week of manufacture in a byte. e.g., hexadecimal 20 (= decimal 32): 32nd week of the year
█ Offset 17: 1990 subtracted from the year of manufacture in a byte. e.g., hexadecimal 10 (= decimal 16): 2006 █ Offset 77-88: Serial number in 12 bytes. e.g., hexadecimal 51 36 59 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30: Q6Y060000000 █ Offset 127: EDID checksum in a byte. |
CAUTION! Before thinking about flashing your monitor’s EDID, make sure you are connected through DVI, otherwise you’ll end up flashing the wrong port (D-SUB)! Connect the DVI, boot up the computer, when monitor’s gone, switch to the other DVI port of your VGA card. Now Windows will detect the monitor as a Non-PnP, locked in a low resolution screen, which is good enough to flash a monitor! If you don’t have a double DVI port graphics card, try flashing it in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 with the DVI connected.
Then, you’d need the toughest of them all, the Taiwanese EnTech PowerStrip. Remember Armageddon’s quote “American components, Russian components, all made in Taiwan”? Here we go, don’t waste your time with its trial version, it’s not doing our required function (upload EDID) when’s on trial, showing an error indicating “This option is only available to registered users.” and the fact that registration is required. During installation, It’ll ask to add non-linear gamma ramps to the Windows Registry, which you should answer no, because who needs them when the monitor’s out? Also if you’re wisely using Microsoft Forefront Client Security, it’ll ask you to permit a device driver change for %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\PStrip.sys
published by EnTech Taiwan. After successfully registering and launching PowerStrip, it’ll place its icon in the tray. Click on it, and select the first popup item from the top Options…
, then Monitor Information…
, now on the opened dialog, from the bottom left corner, Options, select Update EDID
in the combo box, just like what’s shown below:
Now, depending on your monitor’s EEPROM ability, there might be a dialog shown, titled “EEPROM Error” explaining “An EDID EEPROM was not detected on the selected monitor. Do you want to scan the bus for other EDID EEPROMs?” Press Yes
. Now, there might be another, titled “EEPROM Found: {VESA_Monitor_ID}” (VSCE51D, in my case) that reads “An EDID EEPROM has been found at port #1. Do you want to attempt writing to this EEPROM?” Again press Yes
. Give PowerStrip your EDID file, and wait while it’s flashing your bricked monitor’s EEPROM. If you’re as lucky as I was, you’re saved from buying another display.
After flashing the EDID EEPROM successfully, shut down your computer, turn off the monitor, detach wall sockets off both your PC and monitor, connect the monitor to the desired DVI port. Now hook up wall sockets, and boot up.
PowerStrip DAT/BIN File
Sample of a ViewSonic VX2025wm DVI EDID DAT file for PowerStrip:
00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 5A 63 1D E5 01 01 01 01 20 10 01 03 80 2B 1B 78 2E CF E5 A3 5A 49 A0 24 13 50 54 BF EF 80 B3 0F 81 80 81 40 71 4F 31 0A 01 01 01 01 01 01 21 39 90 30 62 1A 27 40 68 B0 36 00 B1 0F 11 00 00 1C 00 00 00 FF 00 51 36 59 30 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0A 00 00 00 FD 00 32 4B 1E 52 11 00 0A 20 20 20 20 20 20 00 00 00 FC 00 56 58 32 30 32 35 77 6D 0A 20 20 20 20 00 FE
Please note supported EDID file types by PowerStrip are:
- Hex files: *.dat
- Binary files: *.bin
- Text files: *.txt
How to Prevent EDID Problems from Ever Happening
- Since electrical surges are momentary spikes, a digital monitor’s EDID (data and/or checksum) could easily be wiped or damaged. Try power conditioning (surge protector, UPS).
- Hot-plugging and hot-swapping DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort is not safe. Before disconnecting any DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort cable from either its monitor’s head or graphics card’s head, first turn both the monitor and the computer off and unplug the wall electricity socket to both of them. This is also the case with everything equipped with HDMI / DVI / DisplayPort, ranging from computers and monitors to home A/V entertainment systems and television sets.
- Keep a backup of your EDID.
My system configuration at the time of the fault discovery during a Windows Server 2008 installation was:
- Monitor: ViewSonic VX2025wm (Connected thru DVI)
- Graphics Card: XFX Nvidia 8800 GT (Initially I tried Nvidia driver 169.32)
- CPU: Intel Pentium D 3.4 GHz HT
- Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-965P-S3 (Initially had F8 BIOS)
- RAM: 2GB OCZ Dual Channel CL5 Gold
- HDD: Western Digital Caviar SE16 250 GB
- PSU: Cooler Master eXtreme 430W
Then I tried many combinations of the following, with no luck:
- Graphics Card: Replaced with another XFX Nvidia 8800 GT, tried a few older Nvidia drivers, even a modded 174.74 was also tested, then an XFX Nvidia 7300 GT
- CPU: Replaced with an Intel Core 2 Duo E4600 2.4 GHz HT
- Motherboard: Updated Gigabyte GA-965P-S3’s BIOS to F12, and then to beta BIOS F13e, then replaced with a Gigabyte GA-P31-DS3L (F8)
- RAM: Replaced with 4GB OCZ Dual-Channel CL4 Titanium, then tested with Sadjad’s 2GB OCZ Dual Channel CL5 Special Ops
- HDD: Installed Windows Vista this time on a Western Digital Caviar SE 320 GB
- PSU: Replaced with a Cooler Master M700W, once even with a brandless 300W ATX power supply.
EDID Tools [Updated January 6, 2010]
Here you can download EDID tools and utilities, including ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.5 installer, the older ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.3 installer, Phoenix EDID Designer 1.3 portable executable, and Tomasz Orczyk’s EDID Converter.
A light .NET executable, EDID Converter by Tomasz Orczyk can conveniently be used to convert from and to ViewSonic DAT, Phoenix DAT, Phoenix RAW, PowerStrip DAT, and PowerStrip BIN file formats. The file can be downloaded from here, or alternatively from its author’s SkyDrive. As of January 6, 2010, its new version has source file size verification added.
You can also use DDCW.exe—Display Data Channel Writer—EDID update utility (10/31/2003) with older Nvidia cards. It’s a command-line program operating in DOS protected mode.
Thank you so much for sharing such a nice information. Good work! keep it up.
Hey sir thanks for this…badly needed these infos but I’m stuck at updating the EDID with powerstrip, I don’t seem to have the Update EDID option on the left corner..
BTW my monitor would not display at all using a DVI connection and I’m also using Viewsonic VX2025wm… I connected it to my computer using DVI and VGA since it won’t display with DVI only.
I hope you could help me on this one.
Hi, Thanks for the tip, was able to get my display running to a point.
I followed your steps and all went well until I got to the point for updating the EDID. The new version isn’t asking me for the new file eeprom that I customized, and now I’m kinda stuck.
My display currently views at 1280X1024 but can’t go higher as my windows 7 is detecting it as a generic non Pnp even after searching the net automatically. I’m unable to modify it to reset it back to its native 1600X1080 resolution.
Any help would be appreciated.
Monitor Asset Manager is a great tool to easily see and save the EDID from a “live” monitor, to/from a file, or from a registry entry. Simply edit accordingly and then upload into a connected monitor with PowerStrip. Worked great on a repair of a VP2130b monitor that suddenly lost scaling.
thanks so much, i first failed and flashed the DVI EDID into the d-sub EDID, but with an extra CRT monitor hooked up to my videocard, i was able to reach the monitor again, had to flash a CRT EDID into the d-sub EDID, so i could work again on my monitor.
Finally i could fix the corrupt DVI EDID with powerstrip, even didnt needed the extra file, powerstrip fixed the corrupt file for me !
I’m not able to get another monitor just like mine.. is there no other solution? I’m screwed for life? =/ My monitor is capped at 1600×1200 instead of 1680×1050. I’m running a Gateway HD2200
I’ve created a small utility to convert EDID data between PowerStrip, ViewSonic, Phoenix and RAW file format.^
Good job.
Most of this worked fine for me. I did not user PowerStrip to flash the port with a ‘fixed’ edid. DDCW is able to do this (From dos bootdisk). One thing to note with this is to make sure you flash the right port, or you can make your working VGA also dead (though you can fix it blind). Compare the output of `ddcw -m #` before doing anything. The help states #=0 and #=1 are VGA and DVI, respectively, but compare the output to be sure (#=1 was VGA for me, and #=2 DVI). Second row, fifth column I think is where the input is defined, “80” for Digital.
Hello…your information is AMAZING!! I am having the same problem..and my monitor is the SAME AS YOURS!! Please tell me you still have a backup of your corrected EDID! (smile). I could really use that…if you would be kind enough to email it to me…>>Please… 🙂 rathmel30@hotmail dot com. Thank you very much!!
The EDID file for the ViewSonic VX2025wm is available in different formats (DAT, BIN, RAW) for download in the blog post. You might want to change the mfg date and serial number if you want to make it exact.
I am having this issue with a brand spanking new Viewsonic VP950b, that Viesonic sent me as a replacement for my VP930b, that was doing this for the 3rd time.
Can anyone help me resolve my issues with it? Viewsonic is saying “No More, its not our poroblem!”
Your guide is excellent. Helped me fix up my VX2025wm as well. Only downside is that it is almost at the end of its warranty, and in case something like that happens again, I’d have to fix this myself. I was wondering if its possible to make this fix permanent. In my research, some people had mentioned that you can write protect the EDID. Are you aware of any way to do this?
I don’t think EDID EEPROMs could become write-protected via software tricks. It might be possible through an electronic workaround, I’m not sure though. But the point is once you have a backup of each of your ViewSonic’s inputs (DVI & VGA D-sub 15-pin connectors) you shouldn’t be afraid. You flashed it once, you’ll be able to do that once again!
I fixed HDMI port #2 on my Pioneer Kuro HDTV months ago, when I got blank screen after I switched from Windows XP to Windows 7 on my HTPC. Yesterday I noticed my Kuro’s HDMI port #1 is also defected, after I connected a VAIO notebook’s HDMI socket! Why is this happening?
I registered my PowerStrip, but when I try to update EDID it asks for a PIN. Awaiting reply from entech.
I have that same ViewSonic 2025wm…
I have the exact same problem monitor and everything… did you ever solve yours?
Unfortunately I have a crappy Ritmo switching unit between my monitor and PC, so the EDID behaviour is hard to diagnose, let alone repair. Since I’m going to use different monitors with the device, I’d prefer to just ‘force’ a particular graphics mode that I know the current monitor can achieve, rather than changing and flash RAM in the sharing device (KVM).
Is there a way of saving EDID information obtained from when the monitor is plugged in *directly* to the PC, and then convincing Windows (Vista, in my case) to use this file when the monitor is connected via the KVM? What would you recommend to simply ‘force’ a desired video mode?
Thanks for this article, I just wanted to share my experience with this problem (I have a 2025wm and a 8600GT running on XP SP3).
I was trying to set up dual monitors when the problem occurred. I ditched the dual monitors and tried to go back to the single 2025, but the resolution was crazy and I found myself having scroll around a huge ‘virtual’ desktop.
I tried all the unplugging/resetting, EDID reset bootdisks, NVidia driver updates/downgrades etc, but nothing worked. I finally found this site and tried the PowerStrip technique, using your EDID, and clicked “no” when prompted to fix a corrupt EDID. But the screen went totally white and the PC seemed to have crashed.
By this point I thought I’d fcked it totally, but I gave it one more shot, this time choosing to fix the corrupt EDID when prompted by PowerStrip. And guess what, IT WORKED! So to anyone else out there, give that option a try.
thanks for the article Komeil,
I have my problem with VX Viesonic 2025wm DVI since build my new PC (and Graphic card from Nvidia 8800GT to ATI 5770) no signal on the screen till system boots up and after that I can see just 1/4 of the screen and by moving the mouse to the sides or top and bottom of the screen to see rest. I tried all the tricks and nothing.
I tried to download your EDID files but I got a message “This item might not exist or is no longer available”.
How can I download your VX 2025 wm files? Could You email them please 🙂
My bad… Download URLs have been fixed.
thanks Komeil,
Now I have a problem with Powerstrip- “A valid EEPROM was not found”. Any thoughts?
Thanks a million Komeil Bahmanpour.
It is fixed now, I popped in my old graphic card ATI X800 and was fine. Most likelly Powerstrip doesn’t like to work with new graphic cards 🙂 Just DVI cable wasn’t working at all with ATI X800 so I was pluging and unpluging my VGA cable. Powerstrip detected that DVI EDID was corupted.
I owe you a beer mate.
I have an LG w2252tq and I’m not sure if the DVI’s EDID is corrupted or what. I tried plugging it to our PS3 using a HDMI to DVI cable and the PS3 could not recognize it (black screen for a few seconds then screen comes back on AV cables, had both plugged at the same time). I tried every single trick to make it work but no dice. I know it should work since the monitor is HDCP compliant and I’ve seen hundreds of other people post PS3 setups with the same monitor using an HDMI to DVI cable or adapter for at least 720p output.
I’m think the EDID is messed up because the only resolutions I get in windows are 800×600, 1024×768 and 1280×720. I also get no screen during POST and the windows loading screen. I tried powerstrip and it says that it can find an EDID EEPROM after scanning. Might be because I’m using a gtx 275, so I’ll try again using my 6600 on an old pc. I’ll try flashing in the VGA EDID converted to digital, hopefully things get better if it works.
I have the VX2025WM too, except I never experienced this DVI issue with my 7600GT (it has two DVI ports and both work). I ran into the issue when I bought a GT240 and the DVI failed, but the VGA was fine. I had to return it, but I am wondering if I use an HDMI to DVI cable (the GT240 has DVI and HDMI) will the display work? Does this issue only effect the DVI port?
Both DVI and HDMI carry data in their TMDS (transition-minimized differential signaling) channel, with the DVI carrying no audio. Being mostly compatible with each other, you can connect your graphics accelerator to the monitor using HDMI-to-DVI (DVI-DL, or dual link, for high-resolution monitors, with all 24 digital pins present on the DVI connector).
I cannot predict what happens if you use the HDMI on the GeForce GT 240 using HDMI-to-DVI-DL, but I think chance of not working (acting the same as the DVI) is more, because I think something is wrong with the monitor, not the VGA.
It’s really complicated, because the DVI connector includes pins for the display data channel (DDC / DDC2, a newer version of DDC) that allows the graphics adapter to read the monitor’s EDID (extended display identification data). If a display supports both analog and digital signals in one input, each input can host a distinct EDID. If both receivers are active, analog EDID is used.
I used PowerStrip version 3.83 for this and received “An EDID EEPROM was not found” error when scanning for the EEPROM. But this is because this version didn’t have support for updating the EDID on a GeForce GTX 275. Tried the same procedure on a GeForce 6600GT on my old PC and it worked perfectly.
I have a RCA LCD HDTV 42′ as my monitor, RCA does not offer drivers so it only comes up as Generic PnP Monitor :(, I just got a new(er) vid card ATI HD 3650 and the proper drivers installed but cannot get resolution higher than 1024×768, i spoke to ATI tech they said it’s the driver for the TV, spoke to RCA tech they said they don;t offer drivers so it’s the microsoft driver. I run vista 32bit, and it’s an AGP card, my older card PCI9 yep not pci-e) 256 radeon 9800 runs the resolution at nearly twice this better card is allowing me. Any ideas how to reset/replace/repair the EDID for my problem?
Just fixed my fried Viewsonic monitor using your work. Thanks a bunch! My DVI port thought it was an analog somehow with the Nvidia card. Everything works like a charm. Saved me a few hundred $$ on a new monitor.
i know the post is old but does anyone have the EDID file of LG 226WTQ-SF, my dvi port isn’t functioning. thank you in advance.
Thank you so much for this information. By chance, does anyone have the EDID file for a Samsung 2233rz?
Hey Komeil, your guide is awesome, i have precisely the same problem with my VX2025wm, but sadly it seems that your download links for the EDID files are down. Could you maybe upload them again? I would appreciate it very much, thank you.
Links to my Download Center should work, but in case of any trouble, you can alternatively download from my SkyDrive.
Awesome, thank you again, but i continue tomorrow, i let you know if i accomplished the mission 😉
Ok good news so far: I managed to do all above, plugged the monitor over a HDMI->DVI cable onto my laptop, works fine, can use it in 1680×1050.
Now the Problem: My old WinXP PC to which the Monitor belongs, still has Problems to recognize it. It shows me 5 different Monitors in the control center, deinstalling all of them en searching for new devices results in all 5 of them to come back. Ideas?
Unlike Windows Vista which sticks to 1024×768 on a bad monitor, Windows 7 lets you manually choose 1680×1050 right after 1024×768 display of the desktop. Problem is yours might not have been fixed. To see if the EDID has been repaired, check for your monitor in the Device Manager applet of Windows 7 / Windows Vista, whether it’s listed as “Generic PnP Monitor”. If it’s listed as “Generic Non-PnP Monitor”, it means the EDID’s not properly restored.
This actually helped me diagnose a customer’s issue with an Acer monitor. Thanks for posting
What do I do if I get the “An EDID EEPROM was not found” error when I try to Update it??
If possible, try with older PCI-E VGA cards like nVidia GeForce 7300 GT or nVidia GeForce 8400 GS, or even a laptop equipped with HDMI/DisplayPort converted to DVI. Chances of updating EDID using newer PCI Express cards like the nVidia GeForce GTX 460 are next to zero, and even if the EDID is being detected, an error will occur during the update nagging about the DVI cable length being too long!
Amazing, thanks a lot!
My PC was not even booting, BIOS was not posting (ASUS P5KC and HYUNDAI W24D)! I followed your tuturial and by magic it works!
Many thanks mate! You have just saved me many hundreds of dollars on a new monitor! Glad to have this old VX2025wm going again 🙂
CJ from Singapore
I bought a new GTX 560 Ti and got this error with my vx2025wm. I’ve never had problems before with my 8800GT. I did the EDID-flashing and it seemed to work but when I reinstalled Forceware it went black again and the problem is still there. The EDID shows up in Powerstrip though. I’m going crazy with this thing and nothing seems to work and I just want to buy me a new monitor. It just sucks because I can’t use my vx2025wm as a secondary then.
I might add that everything works fine when I plug the power cord off the monitor but I don’t wanna have to do this everytime I start my computer and I want to be able to use the sleep mode too.
Does anybody have this same problem with a new nVidia card and vx2025wm?
My GTX 560 Ti works just fine with other monitors.
Looks like ViewSonic VX2025wm doesn’t like the way newer Nvidia cards set refresh rate. On the day I replaced my 8800 GT with an XFX nVidia GTX 460, the ViewSonic was acting strange when Windows 7 x64 booted up. Right before the password screen, hardware initialization takes place. That’s when monitor resolution and refresh rate are being set. VX2025wm makes a bit of an audible chirp noise here when mated to a GTX 460. Later on, I observed my screen is stuck at low res (1024×768) on a fresh start. Contrary to Vista, Windows 7 SP1 64 bit has let me adjust the screen to its native 1680×1050, but after checking the Device Manager and seeing the horrifying phrase “Generic Non-PnP Monitor” I knew my EDID has been erased. Tried reprogramming the ViewSonic EDID utilizing PowerStrip and the XFX Nvidia GTX 460 itself, but it complained that the DVI cable is too long. I knew it’s not the cable being too long, but it’s the GTX 460 blocking PowerStrip from accessing the monitor’s EDID. Tried the 8800GT, but the same error popped up. Replaced the GT with an 8400 GS, and it showed the same error, but managed to fix the EDID.
Now to stay on the safe side, I boot the Windows 7 up with the monitor TURNED OFF, and when I hear the chimes sound, I turn it on. This is the solution for me.
I still have my old ViewSonic, because my eyes are in love with it! I don’t know what’s the magic behind its old panel’s technology, but it’s the only thing not causing me computer vision syndrome (CVS)… NIOSH says computer vision syndrome affects some 90% of the people who spend at least three hours a day at a computer; I’m on it all day long.
It worked! My ViewSonic VP2030B has been acting funny and refused to work. After many hours of experimenting I finally ended up on this site. It didn’t work immediately, but after hours of work and search for EDID file I brought my monitor back to life! Advice: make sure you use older graphic card. It didn’t work (can’t fined EDID EEPROM error) with MacBookPro and some new ASUS computer. It did work with an old PC with GT6600 videocard. Go figure… Thanks Komeil!
Dear friend,
Thanks for the solution! I found an easy way to fix this problem from the following site
It was amazing and worked for me. Just wanted to share this with you guys.
God bless you
I tried the “reset” method with no luck. The Viewsonic EDID program had ActiveX error on Win7 x64. Tried on WinXP and said no monitor detected. I unplugged the monitor for a few hours and then the DVI worked! Seems to be solid now.
Removed Viewsonic EDID Editor portable file from Download Center to avoid confusion. Use the full installer instead.
I don’t know of this has anything to do with EDID or not,i’m so tired of searching internet and I can’t find or none has given me any cheap solution to this display problem so far,so:
I have a Samsung SyncMaster 2032bw(it has like 2~3 yrs of usage),Win7 ultimate 64x,Ati radeon HD5670 1g DDR5,PSU500w…i’ve all latest drivers,monitor has recommended resolution and refresh rate.
Issue: Intermittent black screen(1~2 secs)
This occurs…(and thats the weirds part)ONLY when I’m playing games or hanging arround on internet/youtube and it’s fine in the rest of the time for some reason and that’s driving me crzy!…I’ve tried out changing different healthy monitors,VGA/DVI cables and didnt solved the problem… i’ve tested different resolutions with no avail the issue still remain,I have my EDID turned on at Catalyst Control Center(CCC),a friend of mine says that a PSU500w its fine for my PC requirements,my PC heating its about 40ºC(wich is normal) I’ve tried a lot of things already,the only thing I didnt tried was change a my graphic card,PSU(with more power) or MB…wich requires $ and my last resort is format Pc…
I’ve read that could be more likely a PSU issue or my video card…I dont have realy sure that’s a PSU problem and my video card doesnt show any kind of pshysic problem(bad 3d gfx or textures) my knowledge on this stuff is limited…
So I wanna ask here is if you or someone else here knows about this weird common issue??…i’ve read a lot of ppl has this issue but they choose always waste money on the hardware they think its faulty wich most of the times buy a new PC and never knowing what was the issue…
Hey Komeil,
Glad to see you still following this thread.
I have a VX2835 that has lost its EDID and will be trying your method.
Since I have 2 GTX680’s, I will have to use another computer or laptop.
Komeil, Thank you for a great article. You are a lot younger that I thought. I saw a video of you talking about entrepreneurship,
Maybe you can help me out with my question. I have 3 monitors and one of them is a Viewsonic VX2835wm that has several inputs. HDMI, VGA, SVideo, Component. I used to be able to use the HDMI with a HDMI to DVI cable until about a year ago when the port just seemed to die. I was forced to use the VGA until I read your article. I found a fellow that had 2 of these and he copied the digital EDID for me.
It took a couple of hours with lots of errors but I finally modified the file with my own serial number, date, etc. (I am not well versed in hex). BTW, I found out the S/N is in two locations. One is the short 4 digit, and the other is the full S/N. That’s the one that threw me.
I then used Powerstrip, entered my pin and uploaded the EDID to the monitor. Also, I did this using 2 GTX680 in SLI. Suprised it worked reading the previous posts.
Everything went well and I disconnected power to both monitor and computer and rebooted.
All the updates was done with just the Viewsonic connected by itself and no other monitor.
Here is my problem. When I try to read the EDID from the registry it still shows the Analog file and not the digital.
I then looked in the registry at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Display\ and saw all of my monitors. Under the Viewsonic one, VSC0F1F there were 9 subkeys.
Under each key and under the Device Parameters ther is the EDID.
In looking at the EDID and comparing it to my new EDID, the first 3 subkeys were for the Analog and the last 6 were for the digital. Only the last key did all of the hex numbers match except for the second serial number. Not sure why this is.
My question is, If I delete all of the keys for the Viewsonic or the entire VSC0F1F key, will Windows recreate the proper digital keys?
The reason I am asking this is I think the VGA key(s) may be effecting the system especially as it is the only one(s) that show up when I read from the registry.
Again, thanks for a great and informative article and a special thanks to Tomasz Orczyk for his EDID converter. Without that, I never would have gotten this far.
Yes, you can delete those keys; the entire brand/model root key (VSC0F1F in your case), or each/all of the subkeys. Windows will generate the proper new one(s) for you.
The monitor ClassGUID key is {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}. Your first monitor would have the Driver key {4d36e96e-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000, with the next monitor definitions counting up as follows:
A new monitor definition would also get a new ContainerID key (GUID) different from the one previously applied, making the old registry keys become dead (obsolete).
Because those system keys are protected, Registry Editor will show a dialog titled “Error Deleting Key” that reads “Cannot delete VSC0F1F: Error while deleting key.”
To run RegEdit as SYSTEM, use Sysinternals PsTools PsExec.exe as stated below:
psexec -i -d -s c:\windows\regedit.exe
Be careful now, since there’s no protection whatsoever.
Thanks for the reply and the help with my VX2835wm.
I had already found that program from Sysinternals and had deleted the entire Viewsonic key about a week ago. A great little program for those subborn registry keys.
I haven’t connected the monitor up yet but will this weekend. Just to see which EDID it stores. I am hoping the digital one.
I don’t see any way to upload a screenshot of the registry keys however I do have a couple of questions.
Since each monitor I have has several sub keys, is there a way to know which one is current? Of course, I could just delete them all and start fresh.
It also shows 3 more monitors:
Default Monitor – with 12 subkeys
HSD247D – with 2 subkeys (I have no idea what this one is)
NVD0000 – with 1 subkey (again, not sure what this is. Possibly having to do with the NVidia cards)
Every subkey under the Default Monitor, under Device Parameters subkey, shows “Bad_EDID” with zero length binary value.
I remember when I was having problems with the Viewsonic, it also showed “Bad_EDID” under Device Parameters. However, the EDID was there but probably had a bad checksum.
Is the Default Monitor needed and could I just delete that as well?
Thanks again.
There’s no need to see a screenshot (or preferably a .REG export) of those keys, but you can try my contact page just in case.
Delete everything under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY, Windows will recreate everything on the next boot.
That HSD247D of yours is a Hannspree monitor. NVD0000 is an Nvidia EDID replacement created to let Windows work with the defaults. Finding an NVD0000 on a system with an Nvidia card is a sure indication of Windows being connected to a monitor with damaged EDID sometime (currently or in the past).
Monitor definitions with Bad_EDID are definitely corrupted; delete them.
And one thing I forgot to discuss was your statement about the serial number in the EDID hex data. I think by 4 digits you’re referring to 2 bytes. Those two bytes are the year/week of manufacturing. Two monitors could never have the same serial number, but they can share the same 2 bytes of year/week, if they’re manufactured in the same year/week. Consider rereading those paragraphs in my article again.
P.S. Here is a list of 3-letter code of monitor manufacturers:
ACI = Asus (ASUSTeK Computer Inc.)
ACR = Acer America Corp.
ACT = Targa
ADI = ADI Corporation
AOC = AOC International (USA) Ltd.
API = Acer America Corp.
APP = Apple Computer, Inc.
ART = ArtMedia
AST = AST Research
AUO = AU Optronics
BNQ = BenQ Corporation
BOE = BOE Display Technology
CPL = Compal Electronics, Inc. / ALFA
CPQ = COMPAQ Computer Corp.
CTX = CTX – Chuntex Electronic Co.
DEC = Digital Equipment Corporation
DEL = Dell Computer Corp.
DPC = Delta Electronics, Inc.
DWE = Daewoo Telecom Ltd
ECS = ELITEGROUP Computer Systems
EPI = Envision Peripherals, Inc.
FCM = Funai Electric Company of Taiwan
FUS = Fujitsu Siemens
GSM = LG Electronics Inc. (GoldStar Technology, Inc.)
GWY = Gateway 2000
HEI = Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.
HIQ = Hyundai ImageQuest
HIT = Hitachi
HSD = Hannspree Inc
HSL = Hansol Electronics
HTC = Hitachi Ltd. / Nissei Sangyo America Ltd.
HWP = Hewlett Packard
IBM = IBM PC Company
ICL = Fujitsu ICL
IFS = InFocus
IQT = Hyundai
IVM = Idek Iiyama North America, Inc.
KFC = KFC Computek
LEN = Lenovo
LGD = LG Display
LNK = LINK Technologies, Inc.
LPL = LG Philips
LTN = Lite-On
MAG = MAG InnoVision
MAX = Maxdata Computer GmbH
MEI = Panasonic Comm. & Systems Co.
MEL = Mitsubishi Electronics
MIR = miro Computer Products AG
NEC = NEC Technologies, Inc.
NOK = Nokia
NVD = Nvidia
PBN = Packard Bell
PCK = Daewoo
PDC = Polaroid
PGS = Princeton Graphic Systems
PHL = Philips Consumer Electronics Co.
PRT = Princeton
REL = Relisys
SAM = Samsung
SEC = Seiko Epson Corporation
SMI = Smile
SMC = Samtron
SNI = Siemens Nixdorf
SNY = Sony Corporation
SPT = Sceptre
SRC = Shamrock Technology
STN = Samtron
STP = Sceptre
TAT = Tatung Co. of America, Inc.
TRL = Royal Information Company
TSB = Toshiba, Inc.
UNM = Unisys Corporation
VSC = ViewSonic Corporation
WTC = Wen Technology
ZCM = Zenith Data Systems
___ = Targa
HI Komeil Bahmanpour thank you very much for your guide !!
my laptop monitor defined as plug and play monitor , deos that means its recognized correctley ?
its on intel hd3000 laptop graphics but i can not direct access its edid only read from registery
and regestery active , any clue?? thanks
If it’s listed as a plug and play monitor then it’s OK. Nearly all laptop monitors (and many desktop monitors) are simply listed as a plug and play monitor, with no specific brand/model being mentioned.
You’d only have an EDID problem when it’s listed as a generic non-PnP monitor.
EDID direct access might be restricted depending on your hardware configuration and/or the software you use to interact with the monitor.
Hi Komeil,
I am having this problem with the same Viewsonic VX2025wm as you.
After having disconnected to clean my pc my monitor is now seen as the “famous” non pnp monitor and the resolution is only 640*480. I have deleted the keys in the registry.
After a lot of reading I have found your page which is my last hope 🙂 Thanks for your work !
When I launch Powerstrip I don’t see any “update EDID” option in the dropdown menu.
I am using Powerstrip 3.9. Could it be the problem ?
What I am doing wrong ?
Thanks and happy New Year to you !
After starting Powerstrip, right click on the icon in the tray, Options, Monitor Information. On that screen at the bottom where it says “Read data from registry” That drop down menu at the bottom is the “Update EDID”
Unfortunately, It will not work without a Pin number.
I received my pin from the author after following his request below:
“On 11/10/2012 6:18 PM, wrote:
> The PIN is machine specific. You need to submit the pstrip.ini file from your system to use this unadvertised, undocumented and unsupported feature.
> Go here: PowerStrip menu > Options > Preferences and double-click on the “Compatibility” label/bar. This will create a shortcut to your pstrip.ini file on your desktop. Close PowerStrip before submitting the ini file that the shortcut points to.”
Once you get the ini file, just send it to him at and ask for a pin number.
That should work.
Thanks BarryBGB. I didn’t know about this new PIN feature, as I’ve been using PowerStrip 3.78 of 2008, with “Update EDID” option being only available in the registered version of PowerStrip.
Hi David, happy New Year to you too. You can also use DDCW.exe (Display Data Channel Writer aka EDID Writer) with older Nvidia cards. It’s a command-line program operating in DOS protected mode, thus requiring you to create a DOS bootable USB flash disk / CD / floppy disk.
Take a look at William Toms’ January 12, 2010 comment.
@Barry: does it mean that the update is done by reading the EDID from the registry ? I thought I could give the .dat file because I have deleted all the keys in the registry.
So I have to buy the licence ? Because it is said to be “fully functional” shareware.
@Komeil: I have an ATI 5850, I guess it won’t work.
I don’t think you can get the .dat file from the registry. As Komeil said in the instructions, you need another monitor just like yours and use phoenix.exe to extract the EDID.
I did find another person in another forum who had my monitor and he ran phoenix.exe and saved the EDID. I used that with PowerStrip to upload and write the EDID into the Eprom of the monitor.
I had lots of trouble with that as, I found out, the .dat has a few versions. Viewsonic, Phoenix, Powerstrip. Again, looking at Komeil’s instructions at the bottom, he lists the EDID converter from Tomasz Orczyk. I had to use that converter to change the EDID sent to me to the powerstrip version of .dat.
Then it worked and wrote the correct EDID into the Eprom of the monitor.
After that, I deleted all of the registry keys as listed in my earlier post with the PSexec program that Komeil mentions as well.
As soon as I connected my updated monitor, Windows created the proper registry key for it.
I am afraid to use that function of PowerStrip, you have to register.
After all, it is shareware and that $30 saved me from throwing away a perfectly good 28″ monitor.
If you do have the same monitor as Komeil then you can use the .dat file he provides.
Also, if the DDCW.exe file does not work with Nvidia cards, then you may have to use Powerstrip in the end.
@David: Although the shareware claims to be “fully functional”, it is not. The essential ‘Update EDID’ feature highlighted in this article is not present at all in the unregistered (free) version of PowerStrip. Need to send the author $29.95 and they will forward an email (after what seems like an excessive wait) with a small .txt file attached. User then renames the .txt file to a .reg file and clicks on it in order to update the registry. Not until then will the current version of PowerStrip actually show the ‘Update EDID’ function on the ‘OPTIONS” pulldown described in the article above.
But wait…you will discover that, after completing all the steps up to this point, ‘Update EDID’ still requires a 4-digit PIN (as described by BarryBGB above). That’s where I am currently,…waiting for the PIN. Nothing in the emailed correspondence from the PowerStrip author mentions this PIN reqt nor the hidden procedure to get the Pstrip.ini file that needs to be returned to the author.
BTW, thanks to KB for posting the helpful article. I have two Viewsonic VX2025wm monitors with same symptoms (generic non-PnP monitor).
This article is great, however I am yet not successful with my LG L204WT monitor. I cannot update with Powerstrip – it says EDID is write-protected. With DDCW I had more success – I am able to update, but what file should I use?
I’ve got .bin file, but flashing with this did not work. I also tried converting to phoenix .dat file – but again my monitor is still Generic Non-PnP.
DDCW needs a .txt file, how can I convert .bin to .txt??
Thanks for all support
i think my hp sword x2301 microthin has bad edid.. the DVI always no signal so i use HDMI cable.. but i want to use the DVI i tried hdmi to dvi converter but it always detect hdmi not dvi. i hope you can help me with my prob.. sorry to my english i think its bad too. lol 😀
Greetings, i have some issues with my ACER HN274H, the monitor arrived with the DVI EDID empty or corrupted i don’t know, i can’t enter into bios with the Monitor using the DVI, only if i plug another monitor and then swap cables, thats how im able to see signal in the DVI.
I tried flashing using the DDCW (using a 8400GS), and after finding the EMPTY EDID, and trying to update the edid (I have a friend that has the same monitor) after some minutes the process told me the update failed. Maybe im doing something wrong or the EEPROM IS burned? or write protected??
I would appreciate any suggestions, i bought the monitor in The US and im right now at LATAM, so don’t have any warranty right now.
Thanks for everything.
can you please confirm if this is correct?
i did not understand as much as i will want to, but this is what i got.
1-download phoenix
2-give it to a guy with my same monitor, and take the registry edid.
3-install power strip
4-use power strip to install the new edid.
my problem is with details.
could you kindly explain as simple as posible wich things i must, i can and i cannot do?
my monitor is a samsung 943nwx, and it’s connected by dsub, does this guide applies to it?
for example, i don’t understand what is viewsonic edid editor for, i mean, i don’t know if i can use it, or why is it in the guide. i found some things confusing, why do i need or why does anyone need your monitor .dat if the post is about every monitor in existance. i just makes everything confusing, maybe it is important but i don’t know why, as you don’t explain, it’s just a big space in middle of the screen that shouldn’t be read? i don’t get it. sorry, but when my pc is with problems i get a little disturbed.
so please, a simple guide, i don’t want to know anything else. just quick easy steps, with possible problems and some screens.
Hello. I have 2 display problem. My pc monitors EDID is corrupted. My tv is workin fine. pc monitor It shows as “display on DVI” in screen resolution menu. It runs in 640×480 resolution. I cant get it to work!
How can i read EDID information from my pc monitor display that isn’t recognized by moninfo? I can only see my current active tv, but no pc monitor? Help!
Excellent Article. I today fixed an Acer beamer whose EDID on all ports suddenly changed to a different model after 5 years of use (which made the beamer request 16:9 resolutions although its an XGA 4:3 model). No idea what caused this, but with Phoenix EDID Designer I was able to extract the old EDID for the VGA port from a laptops registry which I then flashed using Powerstrip.
HDMI and DVI Ports are still broken though. Perhaps I will find a Laptop that has a copy of those ports in their registry, then I will try fixing those ports too.
Very strange thing though. Next one that’s bought won’t be from Acer.
thank you very much. this is the best explanation for this issue.i have same problem and pc thinks that no monitor on dvi output. and doesnt send signal to dvi. if i connect lcd-tv to hdmi port o pc and power on computer pc starts with no problem and if i unplug hdmi cable from pc, signal comes directly to monitor with 1920×1080 resolution so with weird view if i say detect monitor pc detects as non-generic monitor with 1024×768 so i am using vga port. i used powerstrip to set up my own driver for 1680×1050 resolution. but i need to ask something. if i flash edid data when i power on pc, pc can detect monitor and start from dvi port? or any way to cheat pc that thinks that there is monitor connected on dvi port? because if monitor power up, anyway i can set up a driver with powerstrip. so all my problem is at first moment of power on pc need that pc finds monitor
Thank you very much waiting for your reply
Can this help to fix a Asus Zenbooks UX32VD brick LCD which happened because of new intel HD 4000 drivers. The lcd lights up but I can’t see anything at all. Even the bios.
For more reference view this link.
Kindly reply me here or on
I’d appreciate it a lot if someone can help 🙂
Thank you all for this blog! Here is some experience update as of mid 2013:
It gets harder. Supported video adapters are becoming rare.
It is amazing that PowerStrip is the only Windows software on Earth capable of updating an EDID.
Moreover, recently the authors are trying to restrict its usage! Where is the competition?!
My case: Acer AL2423W, year 2006 (D-sub, DVI). Corrupted DVI EDID – header only.
System (my neighbour’s) which finally did the job:
1. Desktop with ATI Radeon X550 (D-sub, DVI)
1a. Windows XP
Systems (my own) which helped in… frustrating me even more:
2. Desktop, external AMD Radeon HD 7700 (DVI, HDMI, DP)
2a. Windows 8
2b. DOS
3. Desktop, integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 (D-sub, DVI, HDMI)
3a. Windows 8
3b. DOS
4. Laptop, nForce chipset, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400 (DVI)
4a. Windows 7
4b. Windows XP
4c. DOS
I used another monitor (Dell U3014) to ignite the DVI output most of the time.
Tool which did the job:
– PowerStrip 3.85 registered – does not ask for PIN (also tried 3.50, 3.82 and 3.90)
Tools which helped in the process:
– Extron EDID Manager
– DDCW.exe under DOS (also works in “Mini XP” from “Hiren’s boot CD”)
– EDID_Converter.exe
Tools I tried which didn’t really help:
– ViewSonic EDID Editor 3.1.5 (did not start with ActiveX error)
– Dr.HDMI 1.0 (read nothing)
– WinI2C DDC 4.05 trial
None of the systems detected the digital (DVI) input of the monitor. Nothing was displayed neither in Windows nor at boot time. The analog input was OK all the time. I could display digital output only by following these steps:
– connect another (completely different) monitor to the DVI output
– unplug the DVI cable and plug in the damaged monitor’s DVI cable
Only systems 1 and 4 were able to do that. The rest detected the unplugged cable and immediately unmounted the display from Windows.
“DDCW.exe” couldn’t read anything on systems 2 and 3 from any of the two monitors. Didn’t try it on system 1.
“DDCW.exe” read the damaged EDID on system 4. Write attempts failed however. At least I saw the damaged bytes – two bytes in the header.
I used “Extron EDID Manager” to get the correct EDID from my Registry into a .bin file.
I used “EDID_Converter.exe” to convert the .bin file to a PowerStrip .dat file to feed it into “DDCW.exe”.
On all systems:
PowerStrip’s “Read data directly from monitor” failed.
PowerStrip’s “Update EDID” first showed “An EDID EEPROM was not detected on the selected monitor”.
After scanning the bus PowerStrip showed “An EDID EEPROM was not found” except on system 1 which finally worked.
On system 1:
PowerStrip detected EEPROMs on port #1 and port #2. I found that port #1 was the DVI by unpluggin the cables between the confirmation dialogs and watching which port was not detected.
PowerStrip saw the damaged EDID header and suggested a repair. I agreed and it worked. I never used my healthy EDID because I already knew from DDCW.exe that the monitor’s EDID body was ok.
Before flashing port #1, I disconnected the D-sub cable just in case.
God help us all and bless my neighbour!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post this information. Following an update to the latest build of Windows 10 I was no longer able to use my DVI-D monitor a Qnix 2710. It would work fine in DVI-I but not in my DVI-D port. I am running dual boot with Windows 8.1 as my other partition. Once I imported the relevant keys from my Windows 8.1 reg my DVI-D port fired up again like magic. Thanks so much for your very informative article. I wish you and yours well.
This was a great article. I hope this will help me.
I have one problem, though, I don’t know anyone with the same monitor as me.
I have a Samsung S27A350H. Any good suggestions where to look for the EDID file/code?
Hey man,
great in depth article. I was wondering if you had any updated advice for displayports. I am having an issue with my gtx 1080 xtreme with watercooling graphics card where if I enable fast boot or my computer returns from sleep, only my monitor plugged into displayport 3 works (it is an acer xb271hu). I have had to disable fast boot so that my acer xb270hu plugged into displayport 2 will work on cold boot, but then I run into the sleep issue. I could just disable sleep, but I would rather just find a fix that allows me use fast boot (because it really does shorten my boot time significantly) and allows my computer to not use so much energy when not in use. I stumbled on this blog looking for a way to just load the EDID to a specific displayport (my mobo is the gigabyte z170 gaming 7 with F8 bios, and my gfx card drivers are all updated).
Hi, I have a problem with my Epson projector h328b does not display the image and in the registry is missing edid. Nowhere can I find this edid. Anyone can help? How to create edid for this device?
very thanks this webside very help me understand whats happend with my monitor but i have problem open file.dat in monitor asset manager i get info…this does not appear to be valid or recognizable EDID or DID data……….can you help me Please???
Have been trawling the net for ages looking for the solution as I had the same thing. Boot up in a safe mode and all works fine through DVI. Boot up normally and you see as far as loading Windows 7, or whatever OS you are using, then as soon as it gets into windows you lose the signal. Also, everything works fine if I use a DVI>VGA adapter but the image is significantly worse than if I use DVI digital. Anyways to cut a long story short the problem is that through some mechanism (in my case I had a gfx card failure that caused this) the EDID data on the EEPROM chip in your monitor has become corrupted. You will need the full registered version of a tool called Powerstrip made by Entechtaiwan to attempt to correct this. The trial version doesn’t have the feature required to attempt this.